2020 Year In Review

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Each year brings its own set of challenges and triumphs - 2020 being the most unique we’ve seen yet. However, in every season, even one highlighted by hardship and adversity across the planet, there is a silver lining to be found.

Here at Child Freedom Coalition, our 2020 silver lining is you…

…the incredible individuals, families, churches, and businesses who came together to fight child slavery even amidst their own challenges. Despite all odds, you have made this year our most successful one yet. 

These successes include the brand new Patel Family Medical Center at The Sylom Children’s Home, our Winter Catalog, the For One child sponsorship program, our 400+ person Child Freedom 5K event, and so much more. We’re amazed at all God has done this year and extraordinarily blessed by the people who He chose to accomplish it through. Thank you for the work you’ve made possible and the lives you changed in 2020.

We can’t wait to see what 2021 will bring.

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Audrey Lovetro