A Place Called Home

If there’s anything I’ve learned as a realtor, it’s this: home is a sacred space. It’s not dependent on location, monetary value, or size.

It’s an environment, but more than that, it’s a feeling. It’s the safety of knowing you’re free to be authentic. The solace of settling into your own bed. The joy of sharing a space with family, friends, and pets. 

Home offers comforts no other place can, and as a part of The Coalition, you and I get to bring that same feeling to child trafficking survivors in South Asia.

Most of these kids have never known the feeling of home, but when they come to The Children’s Home, that all changes thanks to you.

As you prepare for this summer season, where many of us will leave home for trips and adventures, I want to encourage you. 

You know how wonderful it feels to come back to the comfort of home? In supporting the rescued kids, you’ve let them experience that too. 


There’s this place I love on the roof of The Children’s Home. It’s just a little spot by the railing with a view of seemingly endless rice paddies. Most people wouldn’t bat an eye in its direction, but what they don’t notice is if you sit there in the morning when the sun begins to rise, the air is quiet, the day is still cool, and it’s the most perfect place to read.

I used to be a slave. I never knew the feeling of home until I found my special reading spot - not when I met my nice house mother, not when I made friends, and not even when my teacher told me I could borrow as many books as I wanted. No, it was the comfort of finding a little corner of the world to call my own that did it.

In all honesty, I never realized I needed a place like that, but now that it’s mine, I feel like I have the freedom to plan for a future I never thought would be waiting for me — a future as a teacher.


It was 2015, and we were on our first media trip to gather videos that shine a light on child slavery in South Asia. We were in a rock quarry shooting footage of children working to move rocks, and Buzz Owen had been up on the top edge looking in.

“I’ll remember that moment for the rest of my life,” Buzz recalled.

“As I watched those kids, the pain of all the others still trapped in slavery became real to me, and I just kept crying out, ‘God, I’m so sorry.’ I was sorry this was happening and sorry that I hadn’t let this penetrate my heart before.”

On that day, Buzz experienced the worst humanity had to offer, but soon he would experience the best. Later that week at The Children’s Home, he met kids who were once trapped in slavery and are now living in freedom, hope, safety, and security. 

“After I met the kids, I came home with my own story and passion for telling it,” Buzz told us.

“I’ve spent the last eight years getting to share that story with my friends and family. Honestly, I’ve been amazed that just my story has encouraged others to get involved too. Now, I can’t wait to take that to the next level by sharing this work with my colleagues and clients in the mortgage industry through More Than A Home.”


We’re almost there!

We need your help to clear and repair the pipes at The Children’s Home! So far, donors have stepped up to give $125,872! Let’s keep that momentum and raise the full $195,000 before the end of summer!



In the beginning, it might have been filled with boxes, or maybe it was filled with nothing at all. Perhaps people were in and out, or possibly you were alone. It could have taken time to fix it up, or maybe it was ready for you.

Regardless, your house probably didn’t feel like home at first. 

Settling in takes time for everyone. Sure, you need to arrange your things, but you also have to position yourself within your new environment.

The rescued kids come to The Children’s Home empty-handed. No boxes to sort through or suitcases to unpack. They come with emotional baggage that leaves them afraid and guarded. And although their new home is comfortable, welcoming, and loving, it takes time for them to sink in, but eventually, they discover it as their sanctuary. 



We choose to be transparent with you. To adhere to set structures that keep us honest, focused, and driven. To welcome being held accountable by our board members, donors, and friends. To dedicate time, energy, and understanding to our decision-making process rather than chase  after convenience. 

To highlight instead of hide how we spend every donation. To not fear difficult questions, but encourage and receive these new ideas and perspectives as the gifts they are. To give 100% of your contributions to the rescued kids, allowing it to make the most significant impact possible.

So together, we can end human trafficking forever.

Audrey Lovetro