Growing Up Loved


The summers of childhood linger long after we become adults.

Seemingly endless sunlight, days overflowing with adventure and opportunity, freedom from the classroom, and friendships forged and strengthened. Living wild and carefree was summer’s gift to our young selves.

Now, we’re grownups, and time has gifted us a new perspective. Now, we look back on all those summer adventures and see more than we once did - we see the people who made them happen.

We see the ones who helped us make those memories. The ones who planned the vacation, packed the snacks, and brought the towels. The ones who coordinated countless activities, and smiled through the longest days. All because they loved us selflessly. All because they treasured us.

Summers look different now than they did as kids.

Now, the tables have turned, and we’re the ones coordinating, packing, and planning. It’s tiring, but more importantly, it’s priceless. Because now, we get to have a hand in creating the magic of a childhood summer, and we reap the benefits of watching the joy it brings. 

For the rescued kids, life before The Children’s Home wasn’t full of good memories. Most of them came into freedom having never known what it feels like to enjoy childhood or be cherished, but you change that completely. 

You’ve created an environment for these kids to thrive in a community of friends, caregivers, and teachers who love and believe in them. You’ve given them the power to take back their childhoods, heal, and enjoy the magic of life. You’ve shown them what it is to be treasured - in the summer and far beyond.


How did you come to live at The Children’s Home?

“I was supposed to be a child sacrifice, but God had other plans for me. The pastors rescued me and I jumped into my new life.”

What was the best part of childhood?

“Endless volleyball tournaments, surprise ice cream treats, incredibly competitive kabaddi games, so much tree climbing (which earned me my first ever nickname, Monkey Boy), getting seconds and then thirds at dinner after playing all day, and goofing off with my friends. I look back and feel so thankful.”

You’re an adult now - what’s that like?

“Well, life's not quite as carefree as it was when I was a kid, but it's just as good. I went through vocational training, and now I have a great job. I volunteer at The Children's Home as much as I can. I love being able to help kids feel loved and safe so they can have happy childhoods like I did.”

What makes you happy?

“Playing sports with the kids - volleyball, kabaddi, anything. I love seeing them come out of their shells when they just play.”


We choose to be transparent. To adhere to set structures that keep us honest, focused, and driven. To welcome being held accountable by our board members, donors, and friends. To dedicate time, energy, and understanding to our decision-making process rather than chase after convenience.

To highlight instead of hide how we spend every donation. To not fear difficult questions, but encourage and receive these new ideas and perspectives as the gifts they are. To give 100% of your contributions to the rescued kids, allowing it to make the most significant impact possible. So we can end human trafficking forever. 

Audrey Lovetro